Priyanka chopra one of gem of Bollywood finds one way or the other to inspire. Powerful motivational…Motivate people one way or the other. Armed with skill and former miss world our desi girl has now turned to gloBal star has freshly chosen elected?  in Time’s for ‘100 most influential people’.
Time  uncorked a nugget of Priyanka’s interview and actress seen discussing  All expernices she went through, obstcales, achievments, ambitions. She also stated  that “ I don’t want to be a label, I want to breakthrough sterotypes. I want to be a legacy.” This is what she is focusing on. Discussing her earlier days in bollywood admits ‘Fashion’ Madhukar Bhadarkar’s film to be turning point in her life. It was after this movie she stared looking up for strong  roles.
priyanka Also seen  asserting that  “ I heard the producers saying that girls are replaceable. Now I pick up strong roles. Now I’m irreplaceable” priyanka chopra great exemplar for all, hoping always stay a motivaton for others.